Jones has become increasingly uninterested with his fabulous, store-bought toys. In an effort to keep the whining to a minimum, I've started assessing everything within reach based on the following criteria:
- Will he choke on it?
- If he happens to taste or swallow some, will it be harmful?
- Will it make a big, sticky mess if he chews on it?
- Will it make him stop whining?
..and if the answers are "no, no, no, YES," then I grab it and hand it to him, and he begins chewing and throwing. His favorites of late have included a roll of masking tape, an old box lid, and a wet paper towel (go figure). So far, his enjoyment of these simple things far outweighs the fun he ever had with "real" toys. We're thinking about buying him a huge roll of crinkly paper for Christmas and letting him go to town for a week or two -- cheap, inexpensive fun! :) Here's to a life full of it!

(If he isn't just in loooove with his mama.. *sigh*)
One Christmas when my daughter was very young we did not take the toys out of the box/packageing for two weeks. She was just happy to play with them as they were. Then one day she figured out that they actually opened up. Even then I think it took a few days for her to realize that they all had a toy inside. Go Figure.
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